Award of Excellence
Thanks to everyone who came down. Edina Art Fair was fantastic. To my art buyer friends, I’m humbled and grateful, and thanks to Ben, Jill and the staff. Hey! Where did this Award of Excellence come from?! I was just standing there, and BAMMO.
take a peek at the process
A lot of folks ask me what my process is. For my Lady Liberty piece, it's a lot easier to show you than explain. Cheers.
the box gallery!
I'm proud to announce that Rolando Chang Barrero is representing me and my work in his Palm Beach, Florida gallery. I'm also featured with other premier photographers in his show, Florida Showcase 2022. The show runs all summer and afterwards my work will remain available at his gallery and on his website. Cheers to Rolando and the great work he's doing for the arts in Palm Beach and beyond.

stone arch art Festival favorite
I was chosen as a Festival Favorite at the Stone Arch Art Festival in Minneapolis. It was my first showing there and it was a great event. Perfect weather on Saturday. We got a bit of a baking on Sunday but hats off to my wonderful patrons and the great Stone Arch staff.

Florida Gubernatorial Primary
Rolando Chang Barrero sponsored a recent debate between the democratic frontrunners for the Florida gubernatorial primary at his gallery. The event received lots of media attention and Rolando featured my artwork as the backdrop.

introducing 'the mod'
My wife, artist Dewey James, and I are adding a storage unit to be parked next to our studio. We're very fired up about its remarkably static design, do-no-harm color palette and no-stick roof. Mod stands for modular and except for 1879.2 blissful cubic feet of material storage, its name is the only interesting aspect about it. Considerations regarding our decision were: maximizing storage space, cost, and what-can-we-get-in-six-weeks?